iPhone 4S 苹果智能手机iPhone 4S

Surprise! Surprise! Introducing the most wanted gadget in the world is now on my palm! Yes! Don't you believe it? It is iPhone 4S! Although  iPhone 4S is still not release in Malaysia officially yet but I managed to get one at SGD948 (approx. RM2,300) when Apple launched it in Singapore on Friday, 28 October 2011.

It absolutely was anticipated which Malaysia iPhone 4S launch day is going to be and expect to arrive here in December 2011. Be the first to meet my secretary and see it is believing it. Pictures shown were taken on the actual unit of my own. Special thanks to friends in Singapore who make this possible. Lets FaceTime ~

 My white 'baby' has born!

 Clean, nice and neat (CNN).

隆重宣布。。。我是 i 家族成员之一了!唔声唔声吓你一惊,估唔到咧!其实我对苹果产品并没有欲望(系靓但太贵咗),至到苹果公司创办人兼前首席执行员史蒂夫‧乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的去世加上该公司又刚发布了这款最新 iPhone 4S,成为了乔布斯的遗作(“4S”指的是英文 Speed 速度的缩写,于是舆论将其称为“iPhone for Steve”),就想拥有一部人人都“爱疯”的智能手机,取代现有的 Sony Ericsson,也当作纪念他的伟作吧。

就在上个月底 iPhone 4S (俗语‘爱疯’)终于在新加坡推出了。一般的手提用户者除了签约上台外,在首发会都不太可能售卖机身而已。感谢在朋友们的协助下,出乎意料的惊喜收购(新币948),真的是幸苦了。瞧瞧它的美感,冇花冇假,还有声无人的秘书呐。

另外,经过一段时间的等待,大马“爱迷”所关心的 iPhone 4S 手机何时登入依然没有消息。虽然苹果公司暂未发布新一代 iPhone 4S 手机相关的消息,不过内行已经传出将会在十二月内发行。根据过往开售的经验,届时定必会有大量“爱迷”在店外通宵轮候,所以各位想在第一时间购得 4S 的朋友,记紧留意官方发布准确时间和位置守候咯。

Stylish and elegance.

牛一 Our Birthdays

眼间又一年了,说快不快,说慢也挺慢的。来到年尾也是小弟与小妹最后一帮的祝寿礼了。这次的生日聚会落在周六十一月十二号中午十二时半,本来事先已安排到蒲种的《The Pork Place 猪馆》享用猪肉宴(听闻猪肉来源是从本地唯一拥有 ISO 品质保证的养猪场呐),顿时里面等候发现其实菜单里没有太多的选择(90%都是 oink oink)而且价格也蛮美下!犹豫不决在大家同意下,我们终毫不客气的移迁到相隔两间的西餐馆用餐。

来到 Melody Zone Cafe,由于附近太多这类型的餐厅,生意难做没有顾客显得冷清。还好这里的环境和卖相还不赖,就干脆包下全场。来瞄瞄以下我们所品尝的午餐,本人不觉得食物好吃,而我的羊肉粒意大利面就显得很重的腥味,纯于个人意见,不妨自己尝试。

 Lamb cube spaghetti (L) & crispy famous porkchop (R).

Vietnam grill porkchop (L) & crispy Thai porkchop (R).

 Grill black pepper porkchop (L) & cheezy bglic chicken (R).

 From left; honey green tea, iced blended mocha, pure malt milk tea, iced cuppuccino, yam milk tea & Q jelly "birthday cake".


November's Birthday boy and girl! Hoo~


Spot the different!

Show time.

"Mum" with aunty Sam and do come again.

Eleven 11

Welcome to the day of 11th November 2011; Friday simplified as 11-11-11. I have seeing 11’s everywhere... from my computer, newsletter and perhaps I should mark the time as well. Today is the day that people have been waiting for doing crazy stuff on this special day and it is all about the same things, this date comes in every 100 years, that should be enough to understand its uniqueness.

Well, look at mine, have you discovered any special number configuration on this page? Anyway, it doesn’t matter but I am sure it’s going to be once in a lifetime.

Remember nothing is a given, free will is extremely important, and love is the answer. Happy Birthday to all 11-11's. Enjoy the day!