Coca-Cola 2010 World Cup Celebration Mix 2010 可口可乐世界杯宣传主题歌

This song was chosen as an official song of Coca-Cola's promotional anthem for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, held in South Africa. The English version was released as Wavin' Flag (The Celebration Mix) by Somali-born, Canadian-based hip hop artist K'naan and many other bilingual and country-specific versions have been released and many times with amended English language lyrics and often with different musical arrangements.

K'naan has specially recorded a version of the song for the tournament. The remix of Wavin' Flag is part of Coca-Cola's global integrated marketing campaign "inspired by the joyous dance celebrations familiar to Africa". The track will be used as the music element throughout the entire campaign including as the soundtrack on all global Coca-Cola TV commercials for the football tournament. Many people misunderstood and confused but this song is not an official anthem for 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Wavin' Flag (The Celebration Mix) is a recast version of a track off K'naan's set Troubadour. Although featuring many elements of the original song, it includes most notably a new pre-chorus that sets the uplifting, unified tone of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, turning the song into one that is more open, more inviting, more celebratory. I personally enjoy listerning to this song rather than 2010 FIFA World Cup official anthem due to its dynamic drum play. Let's watch how it goes!

2010年南非世界杯足球赛开锣在即,全世界球迷的热情也已开始燃起。世界杯足球赛是一个全球体育盛事,全世界球迷当然更是会参与其中展示热情。歌星K’naan是一位才华横溢的南非本土音乐人,他为2010年可口可乐南非世界杯足球赛创作的宣传主题曲决战之歌《Wavin' Flag》已经在南非广为传唱。

为世界杯足球赛加油鼓劲,也为世界球迷向世界杯致敬,著名词作者李焯雄为《Wavin' Flag》填写了中文歌词,由华语乐坛歌神之尊的张学友,中国内地乐坛人气天后实力唱将张靓颖及原唱南非天王K’naan三人联袂合唱演绎这首令人振奋的可口可乐中文版南非世界杯宣传主题曲决战之歌《旗开得胜》。




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