虽然每个人都有不同的价值观,但是如大家愿意一同分享,我们就会彼此更深入了解和接纳。Although everyone has different perspective views, make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.
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Topdeck - Contiki - Cosmos
10:20:00 PM
相信大家看到这照片都晓得发生了什么事吧。没错,我的“跑车”爆大镜啊!话说数天前的早上经过 Eastin Hotel 一带,突然之间“叭”一声巨响,吓到~蒙查查东张西望看左看右的,还以为外面发生什么了,再看原来是我自前的大镜爆裂了!当时我并没有贴近罗里或被不明飞体击中,乃是车里气压所造成的。在被逼的情况下,经过凹凸不平的路上,所幸玻璃没有碎下,就好象蜘蛛网一般,浮漂着,只好靠着细细的小洞,慢慢的趴回车厂。岁月的流逝,走过写不尽的记忆,现车子也经常发起毛病了,是它累了吗?
这就是我的真面目。喜欢铃听雨滴的声音,欣赏蓝天白云海阔天空山明水秀世外桃园大自然的景色,想到世界各地充实和操练自己,喜爱摄影让一张张的相片记录每个故事,在茫茫人海中,找寻属于自己的空间。与陌生人不爱表露自己但不是你们想像中那么沉闷,低调的我不是怪痹,只是在你们之中最特别,不信的话。。。来猜猜看,若你是普通人,你不会猜到。The ONE and the only ONE who loves to capture those special moments on my journey when I am inspiring and exploring the world around me, making a note to remember, trying to live each day through discovery, curiosity, faith, compassion, diligence, and humor. I am not bored and weird as you thought but this is simply my adventure, my life, in a nutshell. Try to find out and you will be amazed.
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. May be God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Live and learn from our eyes. You are always be special to someone.
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This blog is merely for my personal learning tool and shall not be used for the purpose of political turmoil and personal criticism by any means. Please do not attempt to comment or publish any provocative statements and unhealthy materials herein. No part of this blog may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of myself. Your kind co-operation is highly appreciated. Thank you.
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