I just read something BIG is lauching tomorrow in US and so excited to share about. Anyway, I am not sure how true it is but just take a peek on this promo video and statement.
The latest version of iPhone 5; it will be among the most-watched events and waited on the tech industry calendar. Report saying that Apple Inc. distributed invitations to an event in San Francisco on September 12, setting the stage for what is widely expected to be the release of the iPhone 5.
Check out on the above image, the typically cryptic invitation said “It’s almost here”, sported a number 12 — corresponding to the date of the event — and cast a large shadow of the number 5, a clue that the fifth version of the popular smartphone could be in the pipeline.
Check out on the above image, the typically cryptic invitation said “It’s almost here”, sported a number 12 — corresponding to the date of the event — and cast a large shadow of the number 5, a clue that the fifth version of the popular smartphone could be in the pipeline.
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